Online American Studies Activities
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On-Line Dictionaries

T he Internet is a powerful tool that provides all possible information imaginable including online dictionaries.

The thing is all the articles you are going to deal with are authentic and that is why you may encounter some difficulty while reading them. Please, be advised to refer to the on-line dictionaries below to have the right understanig of the texts.

Accessing at least one of the dictionaries above you will find that they are monolingual: English – English.

Here is another online dictionary provided by Yandex.Lingvo. This dictionary translates into both English and Russian languages. Feel free to use it while reading and completing the tasks.

Yandex.Lingvo  Dictionary Yandex.Lingvo

The Yandex. Lingvo dictionary looks like the one on the right. You can try it to see how it works. The dictionary is placed on each page of the activities in the upper right corner.

You can also use your own mono- or bilingual dictionary. Please, make sure that it is new and has many entries.

Among the most suggested personal dictionaries are those that have CDs along with the printed version. If you decide to buy a new monolingual dictionary, be advised not to be in a hurry. Carefully have a look at the entries, the layout and if they satisfy you in terms of comprehension and convenience then go to the cashier and pay for it. Coming home, install the CD, try the electronic version and enjoy reading and translating the proposed articles and texts or anything that interests you.

© 2006-2009 Developed by Erdem Dugarov.
Department of English Language for Intercultural Communication (DELIC ESSTU).

Search Engines

To know more about the search engines and the ways of using them you should read the help page of the respective searcher.

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