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"A house divided against itself cannot stand.' I believe this government cannot endure permanently, half slave and half free." Abraham Lincoln, 1809 - 1865.

The US History. Team Two.

The American Civil War Hot Links

You can access the links below to read more about the American Civil War.

Team Two The American Civil War The American Civil War

Being a member of TEAM TWO, you have just opened the envelope with some tasks to do.

Read the question:


LOOKING DEEPER. Having some background knowledge about the English colonization of the New World and keeping in mind the reasons of their arrival to the continent - political, commercial and religious - you are to go further to discover one of the turning moments in the US history that was very conducive to appearance and development of the USA.

The articles below deal with this moment. Please, read them carefully and then try to find answers to the questions below:

Read the articles:

    • Optional reading - "THE MAKING OF A NATION - James Buchanan, Part 8." In the autumn of eighteen-fifty-nine, a group of anti-slavery extremists attacked the town of Harpers Ferry, Virginia. The group seized a gun factory and a federal arsenal where military equipment was kept. It planned to use the guns and equipment for a rebel army of Negro slaves.
    • Optional reading - "THE MAKING OF A NATION #93 - Election of 1860." The American people faced the year eighteen sixty with mixed feelings of hope and fear. They had hope for the future, because they would be electing a new president. But they were fearful that even a new president could not hold the nation together.
  1. "THE MAKING OF A NATION #94 - Secession, Part 1." Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election held in November, eighteen-sixty. When he took office several months later, he faced the most serious crisis in American history.
  2. "THE MAKING OF A NATION #95 - Secession, Part 2." South Carolina withdrew from the United States on December twentieth, eighteen-sixty. It withdrew because a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, had been elected president.
  3. "The American Civil War: President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation." President Abraham Lincoln needed a major victory. He was losing the support of both politicians and citizens. A major victory would confirm that his policies were correct. It also would make it easier for him to make an important announcement.
  4. "Reconstruction: After the Civil War, the American South Rebuilds." Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South for starting the war. They also wanted to be sure new governments in the southern states would support the Republican Party. You can listen to the file.

TEAM DISCUSSION. Having researched on your historic event you are to discuss your findings with the rest of the team. Do you have the same answers to the questions above? If not, try to reconcile them. Use the phrases [Click here to open them in a new window] to help you express ideas.


TEAM PRESENTATION PREPARATION PROCESS. After discussing the answers, you are to get ready with your team presentation. Follow the questions below to develop your presentation.


TEAM PRESENTATION. Choose two or three people to make the presentation in front of the rest of the group. The presentations must rotate among the team members. It means you have to regularly change who gives a presentation.

You are also expected to use the resources of the American Civil War Hot Links to get ready with the issues that require additional research.

Now, go to step THREE.

© 2006-2009 Developed by Erdem Dugarov.
Department of English Language for Intercultural Communication (DELIC ESSTU).

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