Online American Studies Activities
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Popular Podcasts

The links below lead you to authentic sources of information on different issues taking place both in the US and other countries. Be aware that articles may be from the USA perspectives.

To have a podcast you should download it with an available application and use an mp3 player for listening.

  1. VOA Podcasting. "As part of a podcasting trial, VOA is offering four ways to listen to or download a select group of VOANews podcasts to your iPods or MP3 players." (The quotation is from VOA News)
  2. CNN Podcasting. "CNN's podcasting service (the "Podcast Service") consists of news and information files (the "Podcast Content") that may be downloaded to your computer and/or transferred to your portable MP3 player." (The quotation is from CNN)

© 2006-2009 Developed by Erdem Dugarov.
Department of English Language for Intercultural Communication (DELIC ESSTU).

VOA News
VOA One of the best links to explore is VOANews. Have a try and you'll take to it. There're audio, video, and podcast files on the site!

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